Banka Turističnih Priložnosti Slovenije
Jezik slovenščina


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Avtor r07032
17. april 2007

Name of e-deposit: Priority treatment of idea proposals at Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank d.d. with an opinion on a suitable source

Hypo Bank offers priority treatment of investment proposals to all who wish to realise idea deposits rated by the BTPS Council as "promising".

The first collection period, at the end of which the Council will award "promising idea deposit" status to some of the deposits received, runs until 15.5.07. All owners of "promising" deposits can contact BTPS@slovenia.info for contact details for Hypo Alpe Adria Bank, to which they can apply with their i-deposit number for priority treatment of financing.

Advantages in the evaluation of the project for financing will be proportionate to the results of the voting of the BTPS Council on the promise shown by the i-deposit (with regard to the criteria defined in the BTPS General operating conditions) and the degree of elaboration of the plan for the realisation of the idea (business plan, risk analysis, financial plan, etc.). The authors of deposits already input in the BTPS and published in the BTPS blog may add further details to the i-deposit form submitted if they think that this will increase the chance of their deposit being rated promising.

Dodatna informacija
Za ogled celotne vsebine kontaktirajte avtorja r07032.
Komentarji povzetka
Komentarje lahko vpisujejo prijavljeni uporabniki.

Uporaba piškotov

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