Banka Turističnih Priložnosti Slovenije
Jezik slovenščina


Če ste registrirani uporabnik BTPS, lahko dodajate komentarje ali zaprosite za povezavo z avtorjem, ki vam lahko dovoli tudi ogled celotne vsebine pologa. Opozorilo: Vsebine spletnega portala www.BTPS.si so zaščitene z avtorskimi pravicami Banke turističnih priložnosti Slovenije (BTPS),Slovenske turistične organizacije (STO) in komitentov BTPS. Vse pravice pridržane. Informacij s spletne strani (besedila, slike, zvoki...) ni dovoljeno reproducirati, prenašati, razširjati ali shranjevati brez predhodnega pisnega dovoljenja BTPS ali STO. Nekateri deli spletne strani so opremljeni s slikami, ki so prav tako zaščitene z avtorskimi pravicami njihovih lastnikov.


Avtor r07040
21. maj 2007
The Municipality of Koper (MOK), in conjunction with the Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia and the University Incubator of Primorska, is publishing a call for applications for co-financing the introduction of new tourism products in the MOK area in 2008. The envisaged funds of at least EUR 20,000 will be granted to three ideas selected by a commission. Additional support for the selected ideas will also be offered in the form of advice for the implementation of the idea from the University Incubator of Primorska.


- until 18:00 on 15.7.2007 you can submit idea deposits that satisfy MOK conditions (see below) and
BTPS general operating conditions to BTPS@slovenia.info. Idea deposits may be described in as much detail as you wish, but must be submitted in prescribed BTPS documentation, which can be requested at the above address.

- a joint expert commission will review the deposits and comment on them if necessary, and in September 2007 will invite the most promising of them to submit a detailed chronological, organisational and financial plan
- the expected deadline for the submission of detailed plans will be 15.11.2007
- the results of the call for applications will be known in February 2008 or after adoption of the budget of the Municipality of Koper for 2008.
Conditions of the Municipality of Koper:
- the idea deposit must be made within the territory of the MOK by 30.11.208, which is also the final day for submitting a final implementation report
- quality, realisticness and accessibility of the idea deposit
- transparency, economicalness and realisticness of financial plan
- references of the person submitting the deposit
Regardless of the results of the MOK's call for applications, all idea deposits received will be given the same treatment with regard to other BTPS activities: promotion, interconnection and looking for other opportunities for co-financing.
Dodatna informacija
Za ogled celotne vsebine kontaktirajte avtorja r07040.
Komentarji povzetka
Komentarje lahko vpisujejo prijavljeni uporabniki.

Uporaba piškotov

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