Banka Turističnih Priložnosti Slovenije
Jezik slovenščina

Pologi::Business angels

Če ste registrirani uporabnik BTPS, lahko dodajate komentarje ali zaprosite za povezavo z avtorjem, ki vam lahko dovoli tudi ogled celotne vsebine pologa. Opozorilo: Vsebine spletnega portala www.BTPS.si so zaščitene z avtorskimi pravicami Banke turističnih priložnosti Slovenije (BTPS),Slovenske turistične organizacije (STO) in komitentov BTPS. Vse pravice pridržane. Informacij s spletne strani (besedila, slike, zvoki...) ni dovoljeno reproducirati, prenašati, razširjati ali shranjevati brez predhodnega pisnega dovoljenja BTPS ali STO. Nekateri deli spletne strani so opremljeni s slikami, ki so prav tako zaščitene z avtorskimi pravicami njihovih lastnikov.

Business angels

Avtor r07053
23. oktober 2007
The Business Angels Club of Slovenia (hereinafter: the Club) is a network of successful entrepreneurs and executives interested in investing in promising start-up companies. As well as capital they offer them advice and access to their own extensive business networks. In view of the great untapped potential of tourism in Slovenia, the Club is very interested in tourism enterprise projects or tourism companies with the potential for rapid growth, excellent management and an outline investor exit strategy. Investments range from EUR 50,000 to 300,000. The two essential criteria are an investment period of between three and five years and a minimum 30-percent annual return.

The basic purposes of the Club are: identifying entrepreneurs ripe for equity financing, help in completing investment documentation and development of concepts, and bringing together entrepreneurs and the investors who are members of the Club. It is a point of contact for the most ambitious entrepreneurs and investors.
For the tourism sector the Business Angels Club of Slovenia and the Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia have signed a cooperation agreement covering finding, evaluating, developing and investing in promising tourism idea deposits. In the sphere of tourism-related projects, the Club will give priority to those projects previously registered as BTPS idea deposits. The Club will be offered priority opportunities for investment in BTPS idea deposits in an investment range of EUR 50,000 to 300,000.
Dodatna informacija
Za ogled celotne vsebine kontaktirajte avtorja r07053.
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