Banka Turističnih Priložnosti Slovenije
Jezik slovenščina

Pologi::Road accidents

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Road accidents

Avtor r07058
3. december 2007
Road Accidents Museum. An association with the Minimundus miniature park in Klagenfurt, which draws visitors into an imaginary world. A museum of real road accidents is a simultaneously shocking and educational attraction.

  • shocking because the visitor would be able to see what happens to cars and passengers (dummies) in the case of a road accident
  • educational because as well as showing the situation after the accident it would also describe all the circumstances of the accident (alcohol, drugs, speed, fatalities, injuries and survivors, etc.) and the consequences of the accident (changes in the quality of life of the survivors, etc.)

Possibility of link-ups with additional ideas: e.g. a weekly live "crash test" where visitors would be able to see in real time what actually happens when two vehicles collide, etc. (more details in the full document).

It would be appropriate to link the idea to the corresponding bodies at the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of the Interior so as to ensure proper data protection, the obtaining of consent, etc.

Dodatna informacija
Za ogled celotne vsebine kontaktirajte avtorja r07058.
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