Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia
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Deposits::Small hotel of Turistica

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Small hotel of Turistica

Author r07095
Thursday, May 29, 2008
(Link to cover: ep07122401_bi_ti_sodeloval). The Turistica tourism academy could operate a small hotel in Portorož. In the hotel students could do their practical training by running the entire system independently.

On the ground floor there would be an internet café, or a gathering place for short excursions to Istria, in order to take advantage of the just-completed course on Istrian treasures entitled Heart of Istria (Path of the Gods, Frescos, Fortified Istria, Venetian Heritage). Professional material is currently available and it would be a real shame not to use it. A group of guides offering these programmes could also work here. I think that there would be no shortage of manpower, or of good ideas for various offers and services.
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