Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia
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Deposits::Traces and influence of Maria Theresa in Slovenia

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Traces and influence of Maria Theresa in Slovenia

Author BTPS
Saturday, June 6, 2009
We are preparing a tourist trail through locations (museums, churches, settlements) in Slovenia where traces and the influence of the Empress Maria Theresa can be found. Slovenes consider Maria Theresa the most influential woman in the history of the nation. She is known for her numerous reforms and, above all, for the introduction of compulsory schooling. She founded a study library in Ljubljana in 1774. She supported the arts in Slovenia, particularly poetry. She did not attempt to suppress the native tongues of the individual nations over which she ruled. Her reign was a time of progress in all branches of science, art and craft.
Her reforms also concerned agriculture. Thanks to her efforts, the potato became part of the diet of ordinary Slovenes. Originally used primarily as animal feed, food shortages resulting from various wars and natural calamities helped convert the potato into food for human beings. The introduction of the potato (from Peru) enabled the survival of larger numbers of children than ever before. Maria Theresa also introduced other crops from South America.

Photo: www.wikipedia.org
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