Banka Turističnih Priložnosti Slovenije
Jezik slovenščina


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Avtor r07040
3. november 2008
In association with the Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia (BTPS) and the University Development Center and University Incubator of Primorska, the Municipality of Koper (MOK) announced a call for applications for co-financing tourism innovation in the Municipality of Koper in 2009.

Eligible to apply are all legal and natural entities:

- Whose tourism innovation is intricately associated with the area of the Municipality of Koper and with the promotion of tourism as such,
- Whose relevant programme is feasible to be completed in 2009,
- Which have not received any other funding for the activity in question from any other sources of the Municipality of Koper,
- Whose aim is to promote the development of tourism in the area of the Municipality of Koper.

Individual applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:
1. Quality and feasibility of the substance of the application
2. Transparency, economic efficiency and viability of the financial plan
3. Applicant history and references
The Municipality of Koper will co-finance a maximum of three applications with the highest score which will be deemed by the assessment commission to possess the most feasible, viable and innovative substance.
The estimated value of available funding under this call for applications is EUR 20,000. The allocated funding must be spent in 2009 in accordance with the relevant budget rules.
Applications should be sent to the Municipality of Koper by registered post by 23 January 2009 at the latest.
The tender documentation will be available on the Municipality of Koper website at http://www.koper.si/ from the official announcement of the call for applications to the closing date for applications. Throughout this period, applicants can also get the tender documentation in person at the front desk of the Municipality of Koper. Further information and the tender documentation can also be obtained from the Koper Tourist Organisation (tel. +386 5 664 64 64) every day during office hours.

The applications will also be posted in the Ideas section of the BTPS website. All deposits will receive equal treatment in terms of the following BTPS activities regardless of the results of the call for applications announced by the Municipality of Koper: promotion, integration and searching for other co-financing opportunities.
Contact: tamara.kozlovic@koper.si and BTPS@slovenia.info

Dodatna informacija
Za ogled celotne vsebine kontaktirajte avtorja r07040.
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