Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia
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3/15/2007 - Idea - Bid

Cafe LJ

The idea relates to the opening of a special type of café in Ljubljana. In view of its art-related contents, the café will be aimed at the more demandingMore information...
12/3/2007 - Idea - Bid

Road accidents

Road Accidents Museum. An association with the Minimundus miniature park in Klagenfurt, which draws visitors into an imaginary world. A museum of realMore information...
5/29/2008 - Idea - Bid

Camp of yurts

(Link to cover: ep07122401_bi_ti_sodeloval ). I wish to set up a summer camp of yurts in the area of the Karst, in an oak forest surrounded by pastureland,More information...
7/13/2010 - Idea - Bid

Outdoor audio-guide

How to present natural and cultural heritage so as to make it attractive to everyone? By increasing the intensity of the experience, by offeringMore information...
8/21/2009 - Idea - Bid

Website featuring all forest nature trails in Slov

The idea involves developing a website that will list all forest nature trails in Slovenia, including links and maps. The website would be constantlyMore information...
Posted By:r07049

Tags: attractions
12/11/2009 - Idea - Bid

Botanical Gardens of Slovenia – all year round

We offer tourists visits to botanical Gardens in Slovenia (Ljubljana, Maribor-Hoče, Sežana, Piran – cacti, Alpinum Trenta, Tropical Garden – orchids,More information...
Posted By:r07049

Tags: attractions
8/21/2009 - Idea - Bid

Prize competition – best hotel photographs

Organise a prize competition for the guests of your hotel or catering establishment for the best photographs or video of the hotel and the surroundingMore information...
Posted By:r07049

Tags: attractions
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